Android Tablet Enrollment by using a QR code:
At the sign in screen tap anywhere on the screen a bunch of times and a QR code scanner will pop up. (See Screenshot)
Scan QR Code listed above.
Connect to Wifi. There will be a network ending in BYOD at your location. Connect to the network and enter By0dPr!nt1ng for the password.
Getting your tablet ready screen....
This Device belongs to your org: Tap Next
Getting ready for work setup...
Setup up your phone, select continue
Setting up device...
This Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G isn't private: select next
Updating Device....
Microsoft Sign in screen: Sign in with your woodhouse email credentials. (Same thing you use to sign into the computer in the morning.
Setting up device...
Your work checklist: select the install option and wait for all apps to download before proceeding further.
Register your device: select setup. You will be brought to an Intune screen with a sign in option. You should not have to enter your credentials in again at this screen but it may ask you to sign in again.
Microsoft Authentication Broker permission: Once at this screen select the continue option followed by the Register button on the subsequent screen.
Set up access: Select the next option
Choose device category: Select Woodhouse Android Fully Managed Device
Google services, select more and agree to all.
Once finished you will be left at the home screen. From there go to the google play store and verify that the apps you need are loaded onto the device. (Note: you will NOT be able to download apps from the play store on your own. Reach out to IT and we will have them setup to automatically download for you.)